Greetings and well met, fellow traveler!

Well met, traveler!

Please, come sit by the fire and chose a cozy warm drink of your choice. Stay a while, look around.

When you’re ready, I would like to invite you to come along with me as I write stories of fantasy, magic, adventure, and heartfelt hope even among the darkness!

My novels and short stories range all over in the sub-genres of fantasy, but one thing they have in common is a sense of wonder and awe, of magic and mysteries waiting just around the corner, and of delightful characters. If you like the sound of that, grab your backpack (making sure there are plenty of pocket handkerchiefs packed) and let’s go!

Whether you chose to just follow along, or if you want to be an intrepid explorer or adventurer, you are welcome here!

Onward, friends!